He was now going to the land of the dead or known as the hell, he visits many people here to prophecise how he shall get home. His men slit the throat of a goat to let blood pour out from its neck, this fountain of blood drew ghosts to them. Out these many faces came three that he knew Ajax a mighty warrior that he had be headed, Achilles a freind that had fought with him at Troy, and the last was of his mother who had past away while he was gone.
Ajax prophecise that he was going to meet three sisters who would drown him and his men in a song and told him to watch out for them, they were The Sirens.
Achilles warned him of a narrow passge that would cut off into a split, Ulysses would have to choose which way to go but neither would been easy.
His own mother warned him about the danger of what lies beyond the split one would take him to Scylla a monster with six heads and six arm with a hunger for human flesh, the other would take him to Charibis a monster with a giant mouth that sucks up water and spilling it back out in a spiral.
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