On the next part of their adventure Ulysses and his 3 ships saw forth an island with jagged rocks surrounding it. Ulysses and a group of soldiers went embarking out to ceck for both food and anything at all hostile. What they don't know was this is the isle of the cyclops once they lived on olympus making lightning bolt for Zeus himself but now they were banned to live here. Polyphemus one of th cyclops had saw them land and he waited at his cave lurking them to come forth. In which case they did for Polyphemus was roasting goats inside and they could not resist for hunger took over them. Once they ran inside the cave Polyphemus closed the door from behind them usind a rock one larger then a house.He turned around and grabbed at two soldiers. Ulysses and the others were horrified as they saw the one eyed giant ate them both clothes and all.

Ulysses using his wits drunked the giant to sleep using wine and then stabbing his eye out. Polyphemus enraged opened the door to let out the sheeps hoping it would make it easier for him to find them being blinded as all.
But they snucked among the sheeps and ran out. They rushed on the boat and flee but before they could Ulysses uttered words he should not have. "Poor fool!, if anyone asked it was Ulysses who had done this to you!"
and thus polyphemus prayed to his father Poseidon to punish Ulysses and Poseidon did just that for it will be ten more years before Ulysses can return home.
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